Health and Safety Management
The health and safety management system will focus on identification and mitigation of workplace hazards and risk in line with the best in class safety management systems and practices.

Health & Safety Activities
Chemical and industrial disasters at manufacturing plants are not inevitable. At Sudarshan we emphasize ‘zero tolerance’ as an ongoing standard in disaster prevention.
However, human errors, operational dimensions and the availability of relevant information during various disaster management phases have emerged as critical concern areas as well. For all our manufacturing plants evaluation of site selection and layout planning is done considering all EHS aspects and disaster mitigation. We have on-site and off-site emergency plans in co-ordination with authorities to strengthen our comprehensive disaster management framework.
Safety Committee
To ensure safety for employees, we have organized departmental EHS committees that are dedicated for handling of occupation health, safety, environment and welfare for employees. Central EHS committees meets to give strategic direction to the site teams to drive EHS culture to next level. Apart from the regular CSR activities the company also creates programs for welfare and environment protection and sustainability.

Safety Audit
We have a leadership round to observe improvement areas at workplace. Site has identified safety audit team that takes responsibility of the safety compliance. A dedicated safety manual is designed that continually improves safety standards and practices to achieve safety excellence. Expertise of subject matter experts / external agencies are taken for specialised EHS audit for continual learnings and improvements.
Safety Training
Regular Tool-Box-Talks (TBT) are conducted before start of shift. The EHS department conducts training for all employees and contract on safety related issues. Dedicated time is allotted every month for EHS training to cover employees working in shifts.

Emergency Response Teams (ERT)
The ERT members are selected in such a fashion that minimum 8-10 members are available in each shift. Quarterly training is imparted to all ERT members by EHS Team. Regular practice drills are done in each plant to improve the emergency handling skills. A full-scale mock drill is conducted to validate and further improve emergency preparedness plan.